Over the last year and some change, I've been trying to teach myself to code. I started with Python for no real reason other than there were a number of tutorial sites out there that seemed to be pretty complete.
After going through the tutorials and Python documentation (several times in some cases) I found myself wondering how to get in some badly needed practice. After all, in order to code something you need to have some sort of use case in mind. I had found a number of forums offering up ideas for projects, but most were either way above my head or so simple I completed them in minutes.
Longer projects seemed to only hold my interest if there were some actual need for the functionality. Like parsing proxy logs or cmdb data at work. For everything else, I had trouble keeping focused till the completion of the code.
One day, by chance, I found this: http://inventwithpython.com/
At the time Albert Sweigart had only written the first book, but it was enough to renew my interest in learning the language. It's written so that even those with no working knowledge of programming can start creating games and learning python. It goes through a few command-line based games, into graphics based games teaching skills that can easily be translated into scripting and app development.
If you are interested in simple game development, or Python, I would definitely recommend reading his book either by download (for free) or purchasing a hardcopy . The second book is also now available and goes into even more detail with several new game types and development concepts.
I know this sounds like some sort of plug, but I am in no way being compensated for this endorsement. I am merely a grateful reader of his work.
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